Emergency Declaration

Emergency Declaration

Score: 7 / 10

Director: Han Jae-rim
Producer: Back Chang-ju, Eum Zoo-Young
Starring: Lee Byung-hun, Song Kang-ho, Jeon Do-yeon, Park Hae-joon, Kim Nam-gil, Kim So-jin, Im Si-wan, Carson Allen
Genre: Action
Running Time: 138 minutes

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Emergency Declaration movie reviews

  • 7

    Emergency Declaration

    Thursday, August 18, 2022 7:19:58 PM | (Age Not Specified)

    I thought this fast-paced, exciting and well-acted take on a somewhat familiar premise (terrorist on a plane, but a BIO-terror threat THIS time) was not only Believable, but extremely well done, scary and a bit unnerving as well.